Wednesday 13 August 2008

The Starve of the Cursing Class

So due to the Scotsman article, we're now sold out through the weekend. This is A)fantastic, and B)a little scarrifying. The 10-star review in the Scotsman was big enough to merit this entry in the Guardian's website, and while that's fantastic, and they're coming to see the show tonight, it does mean that people coming to see our little shitty show are going to have huge expectations. Last night the audience wasn't willing to go with the Shitty aesthetic for 'Arts', which made it a pretty big downer. It was also primarily an older crowd. While I don't have anything against old people (I hope to one day be one myself) they are slightly less inclined to go with swearing naked Barbies and spewing ketchup.

I'm not complaining--it's fantastic. But here's hoping we can keep up with the hype.

On a side note, never drink with poets. Seriously.

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